Using Portalgraph Applications

This section explains how to use applications created with Portalgraph.


SteamVR VIVE Tracker+Base Stations 3D Display Device (3D Projector + Compatible 3D Glasses, 3D TV + Compatible 3D Glasses, Standard Monitor + Anaglyph Glasses, etc.)

Usage Instructions

We will use "Unity-chan Live Stage! for Portalgraph," a freely distributed sample, and explain how to view it on a standard LCD monitor using red-blue anaglyph glasses.

Unity-chan Live Stage! for Portalgraph

Start SteamVR and launch the application with the VIVE tracker connected. Press F12 to open the settings screen.

Settings Include

  • IPD: The distance between the eyes in millimeters. Usually, no change is needed.

  • Fixed Camera: Check this to fix the viewpoint. No adjustment needed for this tutorial.

  • Tracker Position: Set where the VIVE tracker is mounted. Default is on the forehead. To change, select from the dropdown and click 'Apply'. Options include Forehead, Top of Head, Back of Head, Glasses Right, Glasses Left, Smartphone Top.

  • Screen Count, Screen Numbers: Specify the number of screens used in Portalgraph and their numbers. By default, it displays on the main screen. Click 'Apply' after changing settings for multiple or sub-screens. The app will restart, and the settings will be applied upon relaunch.

For this tutorial, no changes are needed. Click 'Next (N)' to open the calibration screen. Choose Anaglyph from the 3D dropdown for red-blue glasses mode (for 3D projectors, TVs, choose Side-By-Side or Top-And-Bottom for split 3D screens).

Click 'Calibrate' to open the calibration settings screen. Measure your monitor's size and enter it in meters in Screen Size. Check 'Vertical Screen' only if the screen is vertical. Calibration corrects even if the tracker is at an angle.

With the tracker on your forehead and 3D glasses on, the space inside the screen appears in 3D.

Key Controls for Portalgraph Applications

  • WASD for forward, backward, left, right movement.

  • RF for vertical movement.

  • QE for horizontal rotation (Shift + QE for 90-degree rotation).

  • TG for vertical rotation (Shift + TG for 90-degree rotation).

  • 12 for scaling.

  • 3 for scale reset.

Adjust the camera position, angle, and scale to fit the screen.

Manual Fine-Tuning

If the image appears distorted due to tracker vibration during calibration, manually adjust it.

Press F12, click 'Next (N)' to open the calibration screen, then click 'Manual Adjustment'.

With the tracker mounted and 3D glasses on, adjust from the screen's center point using the keyboard so that the protruding rod from the screen appears perpendicular to it.

In the mentioned scenario, where the rod appears to be tilted towards the lower-left direction in the photo, you'll need to adjust it to make it appear straight. The key controls for this adjustment are as follows:

  • Cursor Keys (↑↓←→): Move the rod forward, backward, left, or right (note that this does not involve up or down movement).

  • PageUp, PageDown: Move the rod up or down on the screen.

  • Home, End: Adjust the tilt of the rod along the Y-axis.

  • Insert (Ins), Delete (Del): Adjust the tilt of the rod along the Z-axis.

These controls will help you manipulate the rod's position and angle so that it appears perfectly vertical and aligned with the screen. Remember, the main adjustments will likely involve using the left and right (←→) keys and the PageUp/PageDown keys to achieve a neat and accurate calibration. Once you've successfully adjusted the rod to the correct orientation, click 'OK' to save the settings.

Last updated